Fifty | Fifty

a lifestyle blog featuring colorado living, recent travels,

& some of my favorite things


fifty | fifty blog

This blog space started out several years ago as a place where I would share ethical and sustainable clothing items, discuss issues in the fashion industry and environmental topics. While I still try to shop with intention and believe that as consumers we have power and that by making more conscious decisions we can gradually shift the demand and force companies into better practices I have shifted the focus of this blog.

I quickly learned that the apparel blogging space does not fit with my personality type and over the past couple of years my interests have gradually shifted away from fashion focused and more towards overall health and wellbeing. I love learning about nutrition, how I can best fuel my body and be the best version of myself spiritually, through nutrition and living an active lifestyle and just all around taking good care of ourselves. And while I no longer have the desire to blog in the fashion space, I do still enjoy sharing things I’ve found and keeping up this site so have shifted to using it as a way to share interests and life happenings with friends and family.

You will mostly find hikes we have recently enjoyed, favorites from our travels, recipes I’m loving, news articles I find interesting, home decor inspiration and life updates.


favorite things




The blog space covers everything from recipes, hikes, apparel items, intentional living and daily life happenings. I’d say the content is fifty | fifty… about half of my posts are more informative travel guides or product reviews and the other half are more focused on things I find interesting and whatever feels fun for me to write about!





As consumers, we have so much power to change the world by just being careful in what we buy
— Emma Watson